Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Change is good for us… right?!

Well, that’s what I’ve been told but as I write this with the start of the winter cold and a pulled calf muscle I’m not entirely convinced. So this is my first blog entry – apologies for the delay but the changes in my life have been coming thick and fast.

A new job and new flat in a new city have kept me busy over the past few weeks. Try to add in some training and life has been passing by in a flash. I’m now settling back in Edinburghlife and have joined a gym so all is on course for a fit 2012 – of course, the gym membership doesn’t start until Jan 1st so until then I can eat and drink as much as I want (that is how it works isn’t it?!)

A real benefit of being back in Edinburgh is being closer to my challenge buddy Bri and having a few of our dedicated supporters on hand to keep us motivated. As the picture below shows – sometimes the help has been more wine related (lunging whilst drinking counts as training in my book!). However, that night was followed by a practice run of the Great Winter Run route on Saturday morning. Bri and I were accompanied by our friends The Hardings as we slogged up the big hill and forced ourselves to keep running even when the wind was biting. We all completed it though and despite a few aches and pains we are well on track for the big event to start. There’s still time to join us –

But for now, I wish you all the best for the festive season.  I hope you’re all on the nice list and Santa makes it down the chimney - don’t forget the carrot for Rudolph! 

Let’s raise a toast to a challenging 2012!


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Approximately 365 days to go and counting!

So, none down, 12 events to go. Not really sure how you prepare for 12 different events that incorporate running, rowing, climbing, cycling etc. Possibly go and lie down for a nap?

I have enrolled at a gym, got an exercise programme and have been introduced to the wonders of interval training. This seems to be a form of torture where you repeatedly flog yourself a little bit and then flog yourself a lot. Until it hurts.

That, and it appears that fit people should preen: constantly. I am getting the hang of some of the gym equipment but preening might be a problem. Anyone got any tips? I am settling for using an exfoliating face wash - a big step that for someone from the north east of England.

The run-up (boom-boom) to Christmas has started in earnest and the first problem is keeping fit while having fun over the festive period. Who would want to eat a Christmas rice cake? Or greeting, 'Want to meet up for a drink and a curry?' with the response, 'No thanks, I am doing circuits in the gym until my biceps tear or the monotony of what I am doing pushes me to a prolonged state of secluded introspection.'

No, me neither, so I am off to the gym to be followed closely by Sicilian biscuits and an increasingly compressed social calendar next week!

This blog will be updated by Roz and me during our progress in 2012 and throughout the challenges - we'll try and make it an interesting insight into what we are up to as we hope this will not only raise money but will bring us into contact with loads of different people doing different things in some exotic and not so exotic locations.

Bring it on!


Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A short while ago, in a beer garden not so far away...

You know when you have one of those great ideas? Possibly in a pub with a beer festival, when your spirits are high and you are feeling more fearless than usual. Then the next day comes and you do nothing about it?

Yeah, we had an evening like that in April. Then we chatted about it. Made a few plans. Talked each other up. Convinced each other that it was not only a great idea but a fantastic challenge. And then, before we knew it, here we are!

12 events, over 12 months in 2012. Just rolls off the tongue. This is all in aid of the CF Trust, raising money and awareness in the fight against Cystic Fibrosis. A fantastic cause that is even more crucial as research funding is cut more and more:

We won't lie, we're a little scared. There's a long way to go, loads of extra planning to do and more training than we care to think about. There's also the racing certainty of embarrassment. Often and colossal. We're not sure what will be hardest - canoeing the length of Lake Windermere, doing the Three Peaks Challenge or wearing all-over spandex. And the person that invented the tandem was clearly a practical joker.

We can't do it alone - we need your support: sponsor us, follow us, message us, promote us - any and all help will be greatly appreciated. It will be fantastic if you want to join us in our challenges, so if you see anything from our programme you want to get involved with, let us know and help us to raise money and awareness to Fight CF:

So look out for our regular updates, we'll be keeping people in the picture on this blog and Facebook with photos and tales of what we get up to and who we get up to it with!

Thanks. Here's to uncharted territory - we've got lots of it ahead.

Roz and Bri